Aðstoð okkar og stolt

Þegar jarðskjálftar og aðrar náttúruhamfarir ríða yfir, þá er ekki spurt hjá okkar fólki að bregðast strax við. Margar þjóðir bíða sjálfsagt átekta og bíða hvort aðrir verði ekki skjótari til aðstoðar.

Spurning er hvenær breskar og hollenskar björgunarsveitir verði komnar til Haiti. Ætli í þeim löndum verði kannski fyrst beðið eftir svari hver borgar? Kannski verða engar björgunarsveitir sendar þaðan þrátt fyrir mun meiri efni en hjá blankri, guðsvolaðri þjóð á norðurhjara heims.

Við Íslendingar megum vera stolt þjóð í okkar fjárhagslegu erfiðleikum með því að vera viðbúin náttúruhamförum og að geta sent björgunarlið með skömmum fyrirvara. hér á landi hefur safnast fyrir bæði mjög mikil þekking og reynsla á sviði náttúrurannsókna og við færum hana óspart okkur í nyt.

Það er stolt þjóð en ekki niðurbrotin þjóð sem sendir án nokkurs hiks hóp björgunarmanna í fjarlægt land með töluverðum tilkostnaði til að bjarga mannslífum.


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1 identicon

Spurning er hvenær breskar og hollenskar björgunarsveitir verði komnar til Haiti. Ætli í þeim löndum verði kannski fyrst beðið eftir svari hver borgar? Kannski verða engar björgunarsveitir sendar þaðan þrátt fyrir mun meiri efni en hjá blankri, guðsvolaðri þjóð á norðurhjara heims.

Shame on you, you thick moron...Shame on you......Stupid idiot ..!!!!!

Is this the typical reaction of your "Proud" Nation....I don't think so.

Thank God there are educated people in Iceland and very few "Aumingja"

like you !!

Fair Play (IP-tala skráð) 13.1.2010 kl. 11:31

2 identicon

International bodies such as Action of Churches Together and (in Britain)
the multi-agency Disaster Emergencies Committee (DEC, are discussing how to
get immediate assistance through.

President Obama has already pledged aid and European Union countries are
expected to make statements throughout the day.

The United Kingdom and Venezuela have also made early pledges. (Times,

The Royal Air Force (Brize Norton) will be transporting Aid assistance and Aid workers
from various organisations in the UK to Haiti later today and over the next
few days. (MP)

Instead of shouting out what a proud Nation you are because you are sending people to Haiti, you should be thinking of how your Government can pay back the UK Red Cross the money that was stolen from them through the pitiful IceSave venture....Proud indeed....

Fair Play (IP-tala skráð) 13.1.2010 kl. 12:44

3 Smámynd: Guðjón Sigþór Jensson

Hver ertu sem nefnir þig „Fair play“? Er sanngjarnt að draga yfir sig huliðshjálm og varast að sýna sitt rétta andlit?


Guðjón Sigþór Jensson, 13.1.2010 kl. 13:26

4 identicon

READ !!!!!  

Snow-bound UK scrambles aid to Haiti

54 mins ago

LONDON (AFP) – A plane carrying British rescue experts left for Haiti on Wednesday to help after the devastating earthquake there, but only after a delay due to heavy snowfalls which blocked flights.

A 70-strong team of rescuers, along with eight experts from aid groups, search dogs and rescue equipment left Gatwick airport south of London after a four-person emergency assessment team went ahead to help coordinate needs.

"Vital equipment and trained UK experts are now on their way to Haiti where they are desperately needed," International Development Secretary Douglas Alexander said.

"This is a tragedy on a massive scale. Already Britain is playing its part in the huge international response."

Heavy snowfalls overnight in Britain closed up to five airports in southern England, including Gatwick south of London, where authorities reopened the runway at around 3:15 pm (1515 GMT).

A Gatwick spokesman said that the Haiti relief flight took off around 6:40 pm (1840 GMT) and was among the first to depart after the snow was cleared.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he was "deeply saddened and worried about the reported scale of the earthquake in Haiti," adding: "We stand ready to provide whatever humanitarian assistance is required."

Meanwhile aid agencies including Oxfam said it had emergency response teams in the region poised to respond.

Chris Martin, frontman of top British band Coldplay, threw his weight behind the appeal for aid for Haiti.

"I visited Haiti with Oxfam a few years ago. It's a country of extreme poverty and brutal living conditions. Most people in Port-au-Prince live in tin shacks," he said, cited by the British charity.

"The earthquake that has struck Haiti will have turned the city into an unimaginable hell. The people of Haiti will be desperate for help and assistance," he added.

The strongest earthquake to hit Haiti in more than a century rocked the impoverished Caribbean nation Tuesday, toppling buildings and triggering fears that hundreds have been killed in widespread destruction.

There were no immediate reports of Britons among the dead in Haiti, although the Foreign Office had received some 15-20 calls from concerned families with relatives there, according to Alexander.

Fair Play (IP-tala skráð) 13.1.2010 kl. 21:37

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Guðjón Sigþór Jensson
Guðjón Sigþór Jensson

BA í bókasafns- og upplýsingafræði frá Félagsvísindadeild HÍ. Próf frá Leiðsöguskóla Íslands 1992.  Áhugamaður um félagsmál, sagnfræði, orkumál, náttúrufræði og umhverfismál. Átti þátt í að stofna Umhverfis- og náttúrufræðifélags Mosfellsbæjar  (stofnað 2007) og var fyrsti formaður til nóv. 2010.

Hef búið í Mosfellsbæ síðan í janúar 1983.


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